Rawlk Technologies is a collection of people and projects. A majority of these projects are self hosted sites for projects, family and friends, semi-sketchy cs projects (like a budget password cracking cluster), and physical hack-and-slash solutions to every day problems that I was finding annoying. There might be a few useful tidbits hidden deep within some of these projects and posts, but dont look too hard. As always, stay outa trouble ...or dont get caught ;)
DHDC is a Discovery Center in Amarillo Texas. Its a 501.c3 non-profit that teaches kids of all ages about the world around us. From How Electricity Works, to Dinosaurs and Fossils to games about Simple Machines! They also have a rotating list of exhibits so what’s on display changes from month to month.
More recently they’ve started building out exhibits of their own to help keep things fresh and to lend out to other discovery centers around the country. One of those exhibits I got to help out on.
I got brought in to...
Hired by Google!
Worked at ONEGas
Oklahoma State University!
Drop me an email if you are interested or have any questions about one of the projects! They’re changing all the time :)