The main material used was this freenas doc in section 13.4 on using iohyve.
The first step is setting up iohyve so it knows what it needs to do. The only info needed is what pool you want to store your vm’s on.
In my case, I wanted them stored on the same as my jails volume.
The last line ensuring that the softlink in place is needed, though may get done automatically. This dataset (cache/iohyve) is created, but not mounted in the typical /mnt/cache/iohyve, rather in /mnt/iohyve, which leaves the cache mount rather clean.
The last step in the initial setup, lets make sure bhyve/iohyve starts up on freenas by default.
Get some ISO’s!
Next we need to give iohyve some iso’s to use:
I went ahead and download the ubuntu xenial mini iso as well:
Create a VM!
Next we need to create a VM!
We’ll specify the name and size of the vm then verify it got created
To get all the attributes about the vm, we have the ` iohyve getall` command.
You can see how the os is default, loader is bhyveload ram is 256M … These are the typical defaults. Lets change a couple for our new Linux VM.
Lastly, lets power up the vm with the installer attached:
Sweet! It should be up and running, to connect to the new vm, run sudo iohyve console evecraft in a second window to pull a serial console into the vm. Leave the console by typing ~~.
Follow your OS’s install instructions and you should be set!
Well…. it seems they’ve decided to break this :( . Unfortunately the above instructions no longer get you to a working vm
Next up, doing the minecraft installation on the vm