
Corey Hadley

As you have probably already gathered, my name is Corey. This site is one of many pet projects that I’ve been playing around with. A vast majority of my time is spent learning and exploring different things. As such, this VM (currently in GCP ) also hosts a handful of other sites ranging in technologies from Jekyll to Wordpress to others that are more geared towards automation, like Homeassistant. I am by NO means a web dev, nor a good blogger, I just love getting to see and build the inner workings of tools and things we see and use each and every day.

Journey to Present

My experience is pretty diverse. Throughout high-school I spent half my time at the ‘Pre-Engineering Academy’ at Francis Tuttle Tech. While there, I focused on aerospace engineering and competed in several “Real World Design Challenge” competitions, getting to compete in D.C. after winning our regionals each year. At the end of high-school I took my first ‘real’ IT summer job, helping to do upgrades and changes at Francis Tuttle.

After high-school I went to OSU to later get a Bachelors of Science in Management Information Systems with an emphasis in Information Assurance (MIS-IA). While there I worked in the Math Department to help keep the faculty and GA’s up and running and connected to the department’s services. The “Information Security and Assurance Club” (ISAC) was the other big activity I was involved in during my time there. While I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked, we had bi-monthly meetings about a variety of security topics and tutorials and demos to educate students on best security practices and changes to the IT security space. We also participated in the “Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition” (CCDC) making it to regionals a couple years and making it to nationals one year.

At the end of my stay at OSU I interned at ONE Gas up in Tulsa. While I was there, the company was undergoing a split from ONEOK which meant I got to see a lot of infrastructure getting spun up, migrated and upgraded all at the same time. I got to work on all sorts of Windows System Center products as well as performed several setups and critical upgrades on EMC DataDomains. I ended my internship there when I got my offer letter from Google.

Google, ofcourse, has been an adventure of its own. I started work as support for X, Waymo and many of the other ‘Bets’ and ‘Moonshots’. In my role there I got to work with the best and brightest from around the world, supporting them as they try to make the world a better place. I got to work on everything from new infrastructure and lab setups to consulting on which internal or external tools are the best fit to meet a particular task as well as advanced troubleshooting when things go awry.

After my time there, I transferred teams and locations to the Hardware Operations team. In Hwops, I’m helping to build the best, most efficient, largest and fastest compute and datacenters in the world. Here I’m responsible for any and all machine machine decommisioning projects as well as machine movements around campus. Its a fun role thats challenging, rewarding and awe inspiring.

This was meant to be a quick bio…

I got a bit carried away. I have moderate experience in all things IT Infrastructure and consulting but the things that strike me most are automation, security and linux. Hopefully this blog/site will grow (when I have the chance) to be a repo of my experiments, projects and happenings. Slowly but surely. - Take Care, Have Fun.

I have a lot to update, a lot to fix, and even more to learn.